Friday, November 13, 2009

Nice guy here...

My theory.. Is that, nice guys will never be anything to whom they truly want..

Why, because you are overlooked on a constant basis...

You dont matter, your feelings dont matter, you are important when someone is having a crisis...


It doesnt matter how you feel, just them.. Cause thats what youre here for..

I understand this because i am this, yeeep, the nice guy, the one who never gets the girl because the whore/ jerk is way more appealing to her...because women prefer to be treated with insignificance, because it makes them feel significant....

And from a nice guys veiw, it bothers me, it makes me feel less than.

Like why am i good to wipe tears? But nothing else?

I guess...

Why care, or even worry about the next when im sure they never really cared or will never worry about me?

Why does it matter at all?

Blah, why does it matterrrrr.. At alll...

Im feeling truly conflicted guys.. Like help me out with this, am i going to ever be able to just care without being portrayed as "soft" or a "pushover" ? I am a grown woman, i stand on my own two feet, like why wouldnt a person want to be with someone who cares about them enough to do little things, i got my own money, so im not worried about that, why wouldnt you want someone who puts your needs and your relationship first?

Maybe i am jus bad luck..

I know all of this cant be all my damn fault. Lol. But i guesssssss...

Im learning, but i really think this is changing my outlook on women in general.. And not in a good way.

Now im scared.. That nobody is going to like that part of me. So i end up staying super gaurded, because everytime i let my gaurd down, i feel like im being slapped in the face... And i really need to protect my face. lmaooo.

Thats it for now dudes and dudettes. Lol

Friday, August 14, 2009

what do you bring to the table?

hello! me again, so I was watching this you tube video, about why there aren't any good "men" around, and the woman stated that if you are searching for something what can you bring to the table... if you want a person with money, and you're broke with bad credit, you aren't putting out those positive vibes to bring that person to you.

I truly agree with that, the company you keep speaks mountains of you and your character.. how you want things to be in your life, or the mate so to speak that you want, will show themselves when you make it possible for them to enter your life, so if you are around a bunch of negative people, that's the type of people that enter and stay in your life.

I think this woman was right, and if you keep a bunch of losers, then you will be a loser, you're going to date a loser, and have loser babies.. LOL.

strive for more people. lmao.

what do you bring to the table, what can you contribute to the "dream" person? can you hold your own weight? can you communicate? can you be selfless and considerate? just like you want them to be?

ask yourself that, and get back to me...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

jerk: communication

I actually agree... Lack of communication in a relationship WILL lead to its downfall. If you cant be open with the person your with, then its not going to work. Personally, I know it all to well. But Im not gonna make this personal. I jus feel like with communication comes trust, and without trust... You dont have shit.

Women are more likely to cheat because they are missing something that once was there but isnt anymore. Men usually just cheat to bust a nut lol. Women live for love, while men love life. Sad but true. A woman will stick through a lotta bullshit, while a man will still enjoy his life, never thinking about his woman's needs.

I know how to treat a lady... Why you think they come so often? lol. Nah jk. But still, I do know how. I just havent dedicated myself to any 1 specific woman they way I should have. And relationships also take dedication. If one person doesnt wanna be there, they not gonna be. Not sayin that I didnt wanna be there, I just wanted to enjoy life on some "me" time shit. And thats wrong. Anyway, my next girl goin have the worlddddddddddddddddddddd from me. believe dat!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nice guy: Communication

It's integral... part of your relationship... and sometimes, when you don't say anything, it says more than you could imagine... when you don't communicate things that you should be saying and could be doing leave room for improvement, and what I mean is, uhh.. when he/she leaves you.

when you don't communicate you leave room for cheating, and usually when someone cheats its due to something that they feel they are lacking in the relationship, and most times people try to communicate this, and sometimes it may not get relayed and or heard... so someone comes along ,and whatever you're lacking if you hold on to it or see it for one second... you fall victim and want to be around that person, and or continue to do whatever it is that is deceitful...

INstead of possibly saying hey.. this isn't really working for me anymore.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

jerk: dates

Its honestly never a good time to "ball out"... Unless your rich. We are not. But at the same time, you only have one life to live as far as I know. And you cant take your money with you, so once business is takin care of, by all means, spend it. Of course its good to save for a rainy day, but you possibly may never see that rainy day. So I enjoy live. I spend money when Im not supposed to, and I may bitch and moan about it later... But for that time, when I was spending my HARD EARNED money... I was enjoying the shit out of myself. If there is one thing I can be sure of, despite all my hardships and whatnot, I have still enjoyed my life. It was a bad night after I finished the 2 bottles of Moet, but while I had them, I was enjoyin myself. And whats life without enjoyment. So spend that money. U either get paid bi-weekly or weekly, so its comin back to you. I re-up every thursday lol.

And I never stop paying for dates. I hate when a woman comes out her pockets when shes out with me on a date. That should never happen. I may be a jerk, but I know how to show a lady a good time... Why you think they love me so much? If I tell her, "lets go to the movies and out to eat", Im not expectin her to come out her pockets that night. That all stems back to spendin that money. If you goin do it, make sure you have a good night as well. Cuz at the end of the day, you still gotta look out for you. Fuck everybody else. Born alone, die alone. Unless your a twin and yall got that freaky connection where if one of yall die, the other dies, but they are like 3 states away and somehow they got shot in the neck also. wtf. lol. But still, twins dont come out at the same time. So if you takin somebody out, you pay. But make it worth your trouble. Money dont grow on trees, otherwise Id be outside right now climbin that tree. lol

A good 1st date is dinner. No movies. Or bowling. Something where yall can talk like you said. Movies suck if you dont kno who you at the movies wit.

blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh went the lion...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

nice guy here: Dates

SO when do you think it's appropriate to stop paying for dates, or actuall let's talk about money..

when is a good time to ball out..

what time is a good time, when you start spending money they might mistake you for a sucka? what is a good first date?


I hate gooing to the movies on a first date, you should only go to the movies when you are established, because the movies permit you from actually getting to know each other, it's just lame you really just sit in silence or make out. LOL. ha. anywayyyssss...

so what is a good time to start doing this Jerk?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hi... Im Ryan lol. Not much else to say right now. Wait and see tho...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


so my name is Sharda' (sharday) and his name is Ryan.. and we have a blog together, his way of thinking is wayyy different from mine... so what's going to happen here is whatever we wanna talk about were going to. and his opinion is going to be posted and so is mine, we always talking for hours at a time, and we finally want you guys to see...LOL. enjoy.